Monday, January 4, 2010

I saw this werid white squirrel and it was way bigger then a normal squirrel and it ran as fast as a cheetah!?

and where i live there is no albino squirrels because i like in niagara falls, Ontario. and it was big and fast it ran so fast i didint even get to look at it good! %26amp; i was wondering if it was like a secrate creature that like follows me around? but i dont know i need your HELP!I saw this werid white squirrel and it was way bigger then a normal squirrel and it ran as fast as a cheetah!?
Albinism can occurs amongst regular, coloured animals. It may have just been a fat, albino squirrel. And yes, all squirrels are quite speedy.


There is a chance it may have been an escaped pet, because I'm sure there are no wild animals in that area (I don't live too far away) that look like giant, white squirrels. I throught of a chinchilla from your description. They come in many colours, including white, are large, and can run fast.

Pictures:;hl=e鈥?/a>I saw this werid white squirrel and it was way bigger then a normal squirrel and it ran as fast as a cheetah!?
Fast as a cheetah and following you around? Dude either lay off the drugs or stop going to discount shrinks!
I heard things are nice %26amp; green out your way..hmm..

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